Saturday, May 31, 2008


How can it possibly be June already???

I'm loving this Gift-A-Long concept... and it's keeping me mindful of always being prepared for upcoming gifts. But I'm finding that everything I've made is being given away well before Christmas. Birthdays, Mother's Day, etc.... So I need to focus some more on preparing ACTUAL Christmas gifts. Or I'm going to end up in the same pickle in December that I do every other year. Is anyone else finding this???

Goals for JUNE..

finish KD40 afghan - 75% done - asap
finish baby afghan - 90% done - by end of month
finish baby jacket - 50% done - by end of month

choose and make a gift for my brother - by June 20th
any ideas? knit or crochet... gift for a 29 year old male... married, no kids...

choose and make a gift for my daughter - by June 25th
she is turning four, so she is very easy to make for... probably a doll or soft toy of some kind


BrownBerry said...

I completely know what you mean - I only have a couple of things in the holiday gift pile so far...we'll keep each other mindfult to avoid the rush though!

Would he like a messenger bag like this one from knitty?

KnittinChick said...

I love that you are so far along... that will help the pile grow.