Thursday, January 10, 2008

I'm Finally getting a chance to come here!

I joined up just after Christmas at the suggestion of Amanda from NHKnittingMama
This is such a fabulous idea.. and a great way for me to organize my thoughts for each month.

Since I'm a bit behind in starting I have just 3 items on this months gift list:

My sister's birthday (Jan 22nd, but we'll see her the following week) - Washcloths (4)
My friend Missy's birthday (Jan 4th, but will see her the 18th)- Odessa
My Friend Molly's birthday (Jan 30th) - Odessa

I am also going to join the Quarterly Challenge. The objects I plan to knit this quarter are:

1. 1/4 of the baby socks for the Baby Sock Advent Calender (this is a gift to myself)
2. Dishcloth Afghan for my daughter

Glad to be here!


BrownBerry said...

Glad to have you here Michelle, and you're off to a great start! Be sure and let me know which Michelle you are when you finish ;)

NH Knitting Mama said...

I suspect this is Michelle M. :-) She's one of my peeps.

Michelle said...

Yes it's Michelle M :-)

KnittinChick said...

That is awesome that you are doing so great on the sock advent calendar. You'll have to tell us how hard it is. I've been tempted to do one myself.