Friday, June 27, 2008

June and Q2 Challenge Update, July List

I haven't been a good knitter girl this month or last for that matter. I have been transitioning to a new job and it has been taking up a lot of energy, but it is a good transition. Also, with the nice weather there has been a lot of yard work and a lot less free time to knit. So I did not finish my q2 challenge. Not even close. I wasn't able to spend the kind of time I needed to with it. I needed to concentrate and that just wasn't happening. All of that said I decided to take the month of June off. I know it it a little early but here is my July list.

  • Baby Hat/ baby shower/ Ex co-worker who is pregnant
  • Baby hat/ new baby gift/ a different ex co-worker who is pregnant (i think there is something in the water over there)
  • Socks/christmas/Grandma
  • Poncho/christmas/Mom

Hopefully, I'll get back on track and get this list done. Hope everyone else's knitting is going better than mine.

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