Sunday, January 6, 2008

FO and WIP from January List

Well, this blog is working for me big time! Thank you Marce!

This was my list for January:
8th: Sister's birthday - washcloths and scrubbies to make gift basket with soaps.
17th: Brother-in-laws birthday - scarf - he never has something warm on his neck!

Below is my sister's birthday gift. I did make the purple/yellow petal dishcloth and the dark scrubbie this past week, but the other ones were from my stash cloths. All were made from Sugar n' Cream. So, I count this as an FO! We had her birthday party last night, and she loved them!

I decided to alter my list for my brother-in-law and make a Helmet Liner instead. He works in construction, and has been outside in some bitter weather. This will work under his hard hat, too. Not much to see yet, but here is the WIP OTN. I'm using NH Knitting Mama Yarn - a soft merino alpaca blend in worsted weight that I saved out for myself to make this project.

Hope you're all doing well with your lists!


J said...

they all look beautiful, great job

YawnOver said...

Love the dishcloths and scrubbies! They are too pretty for dishwashing lol :)

vegasangelbrat said...

Love those dishcloths...nice colors :) Your moving along great!

Deborah said...

Wow. Your pictures make me want to knit dishcloths! Pretty!

KimT said...

you did a great job! I have to try the petal washcloth. What a great gift idea.

KimT said...

you did a great job! I have to try the petal washcloth. What a great gift idea.

NH Knitting Mama said...

Thanks for the comments, everyone!

BrownBerry said...

Well done Amanda!!