Wednesday, January 16, 2008

Update and a FO!

I've also joined a yahoo group alooseknitgroup,where a different gift item is knitted each month. This month was a gift for the hands (i.e. wristwarmers, fingerless gloves, mittens etc.); looks like next month might be hats. I thought this other group would give me some focus and reinforce my knitting here. (And if I can't keep myself on track now, there is absolutely NO hope for me!) As a consequence I've taken a good hard luck at my UFOs and revamped my goals list a bit. The good news is that I've made some progress:

1. fingerless mittens/wrist warmers for Swap-bot exchange (must be mailed by 1/15)DONE! Also finished a pair for moi. Took a picture of the pair for me and will post it when I know the recipient has received her package.
2. hat for brother Peter's birthday (must be mailed by 1/29) --CHANGED. Liked making the fingerless mitts so much I've decided to make him a pair of Dashing. Still have the same deadline.
3. hat for brother Alex's birthday (must be mailed by 1/30--no they're not wierd twins or something: they were born 4 years and 1 day apart) CHANGED. Found a really nice scarf (think the pattern is called Askew) in a very nice merino in the UFOs. Can't imagine why I stopped making this. Am back on it now, have been knitting like a fiend and should have it done tonight.
4. finish cabled lap robe for Ria (should be mailed in mid-February)-SAME.
5. Make 1 pair fingerless mittens for 2008 Christmas-DELETE having made fingerless gloves for swap bot, myself and the DD and changed the goal for #1. I think I'll soon be fingerless-gloved out.

--The SheWhoMust Stephanie

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