Sunday, February 3, 2008

february projects

I'm still not ready to accept that February is here... but I guess there are just some things that can't be argued with!!!

so, on to my list...

1. knitted handbag for my sister
due early april
working on my own design

2. crochet shopping bag for my aunt
due mid february
working on my own design

3. socks for my brother-in-law
due mid april
will probably use thuja pattern

4. teddies for assorted newborns and soon-to-be-borns
soon would be good
I have four teddies to complete...
they have already been knit, but the time consuming task of seaming and stuffing awaits
jean greenhowe's pattern

5. advent socks for my christmas decoration
due december
aim for four done this month
haven't chosen patterns yet

1 comment:

KnittinChick said...

I like those cute little teddy bears and this might be a good baby-to-be present to have on hand especially for second, third and fourth!!! children who already are inheriting nice handmade blankets and clothing!