1) Coronet / Grandma / Christmas 2008 / Jan. 31Finished 1/1/082) Strawberry Lime Socks / My Sister / Birthday (04/04/08) / Jan. 31Finished 1/5/08
3) Baby Shower Gift (Baby Cardi, Hat, Booties,Washcloth, Bib) / Co-Worker / Baby Shower / Jan. 31
4) Felted Clogs / My Stepdad / Christmas 2008 / Mar. 31
5) Dublin Bay Socks / TC / Birthday (4/18/08) / Mar. 31
6) Waving Lace Socks / Mom / Birthday (9/19/08) / Aug. 31
7) Vesper Socks / Dina / Birthday (10/7/08) / Oct. 3 (In progress)
8) Rowan Tapestry Scarf / Undecided / Christmas 2008 / Dec. 1
9) Fetchings to match scarf / Undecided / Christmas 2008 / Dec. 1
10) Peacock Feathers Shawl / Mom / Christmas 2008 / Dec. 10
12) PIF Socks / Teresa / PIF gift / Dec. 23 (but hopefully sooner)
13) PIF Socks / Renee / PIF gift / Dec. 23 (but hopefully sooner)
14) Charity Item / Sue / PIF gift / Dec. 23 (but hopefully sooner)
15) PIF Socks / Lisa / PIF gift / Dec. 23 (but hopefully sooner)
I have finished the hat portion of my baby shower gift, and I expect to finish that this weekend if I don't get sidetracked by the hat I'm working on in Malabrigo, lol! :) The sweater is finished w/ the knitted portion, and I'm getting buttons tomorrow, so I'll post a picture once those are attached.

I am accepting the Q1 Challenge. I've already cast on Dina's socks, and I hope to cast on the Rowan scarf soon, which I moved back because I don't really know WHO I'm knitting it for, so it can go in the Christmas pile. Let's see if I can make this happen!! ;) SO far everything I've finished this year has been for someone else, so I'm doing pretty well. :)
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