OK, June sucked. It sucked bad. I have no FOs to show show for the gift-a-long, and I didn't finish the second quarter challenge (although I did make progress. Sort of.)
I blame the heat.
June Wrap Up:
1. Gift Item: A lace shawl. This is my large project for the second quarter challenge. (Rollover)
Progress: I need to restart the thing with new needles. There are more details here, here and here.
2. Gift Item: Finish Boogie Time (2 of them) (Rollover)
Progress: I'm still stuck. I still need a watch face that works for a boy.
3. Gift Item: Rainbow Socks (Rollover)
Progress: No progress.
4. Gift Item: Jen's Purse (secret knitting - Rollover)
Progress: The yarn is lost in Jen's house.
5. Gift Item: Wickerware Socks (socks for a male relative.)
Progress: I've gotten this far:

Also, this wasn't part of the list, I'm almost done with this scarf, which will also be a gift.
July Gift List:
1. Gift Item: A lace shawl. I'm really going to finish it! (Rollover - Again)
Recipient: Grandma
Occasion: Christmas
Deadline: June 2008, for the Second Quarter Challenge.
2. Gift Item: Finish Boogie Time (2 of them) (Rollover - Again)
Recipient: Family Friends
Occasion: last Christmas
Deadline: Overdue
3. Gift Item: finish my sister's socks (rollover - Again)
Recipient: Sister
Occasion: Birthday
Deadline: Overdue
4. Gift Item: Jen's Purse
Recipient: Friend
Occasion: Birthday
Deadline: Overdue
5. Gift Item: Wickerware Socks
Recipient: Male Relative
Occasion: Christmas
Deadline: Let's say December 18, to give me enough time to mail it.