Saturday, May 31, 2008
Carrie's May Update
I'm really happy that the bag is almost done! Just the felting left, and I'm saving that so I can do a few other felted items at the same time. So I'm calling it done.
I also finished my baby advent socks. I love not having second sock syndrome!
There is still dis-satisfyingly little knitting (and no picture taking, of knits anyway!) going on with the baby, but it's all good. A little bit at a time :)
I'm loving this Gift-A-Long concept... and it's keeping me mindful of always being prepared for upcoming gifts. But I'm finding that everything I've made is being given away well before Christmas. Birthdays, Mother's Day, etc.... So I need to focus some more on preparing ACTUAL Christmas gifts. Or I'm going to end up in the same pickle in December that I do every other year. Is anyone else finding this???
Goals for JUNE..
finish KD40 afghan - 75% done - asap
finish baby afghan - 90% done - by end of month
finish baby jacket - 50% done - by end of month
choose and make a gift for my brother - by June 20th
any ideas? knit or crochet... gift for a 29 year old male... married, no kids...
choose and make a gift for my daughter - by June 25th
she is turning four, so she is very easy to make for... probably a doll or soft toy of some kind
Friday, May 30, 2008
Movin' those WIPs to FOs
Thursday, May 29, 2008
de-stressing cables - back washer
It is my own simple design.
The free pattern can be downloaded from my blog or through ravelry.

These thick luxurious cables are designed to massage, de-stress and exfoliate. Gently cleanse your back without straining. This is the ultimate back washer. A perfect gift idea, or an indulgent addition to your own bathroom.
Knit this fabulous washer in cotton so that it is easy to care for. After use, you simply rinse and allow to air dry. It can also be machine washed and tumble dried.
Wednesday, May 28, 2008
May update
I've also decided on a couple more things I can do - I have three co-workers that I'd like hand made gifts for - I'm thinking along the line of personalised Christmas stockings at the moment, though that could change...............
I also have on great neice to knit for, and by the festive season will have another great neice or nephew, so that will be knitting, too. Hopefully by my next posting I'll have a better plan formulated!
Hope everyone else's plans are going well. ;)
Tuesday, May 27, 2008
Tam B
Tam B finished!!
Yarn: Cascade 220, Noro Silk Garden #267
For my Mom, for her birthday, in November.
I made a few changes to the pattern, including a solid rib on the bottom, and not carrying the noro all the way to the center. I am still so pleased with how quickly this knit up. I'll have no problem knitting tam c this year.
In other knitting progress, the first sock for my Dad is almost finished. I'm knitting fast to try and get them done for father's day. Also, I finally broke down and bought the yarn needed for the modern quilt wrap (though I'm substituting different colors), because I just know my grandmother would love it, and her 80th birthday is coming up this August. I really really want to cast this on right now, but I'm holding back until the socks for my Dad are done, since those are due much sooner.
I finished a shawl
The pattern is available as Ravelry download.
Updated knit list can be found at
Monday, May 26, 2008
Bespoke pillow cover FO
This is for my mother. It's the bespoke pillow cover. I'm really pleased with how it turned out. Now all I have to do is find a pillow for it! So that's another FO ticked off the list.
Remaining list:
TBA baby gift
1x socks for Carrie
1x witch mitts for my sister
3x Juliet scarves
clickity clack.... Rachel
Saturday, May 24, 2008
Elizabeth's May progress update
Gift Item: Q2 Challenge! Striped Chevron Afghan by Spinrite (ravelry project link)
Pattern: available through the way-back machine (ravelry link)
Source: Designs for America by Solutia
Recipient: my parents
Occasion: Christmas
Deadline: December 25, 2008
Other info: I only just finished the latest strip (sewing it together as I go) and think I'm going to start on a green strip next. I really hope I can finish this by the end of June. This project is about 35% done.

It will (hopefully) look like this in the end:

Wednesday, May 21, 2008
Keepin' up!

Started with Q2 Challenge on a Barn Raising Quilt. I love busting through sock yarn leftovers:
This is great motivation!
Monday, May 19, 2008
desmond the lion
Friday, May 16, 2008
May-Dec List Update
I just finished the Helmet Liner for my Dad for Christmas. Here's a pic:

28th: Dad's Birthday - hiking/camp socks (thick)
30th: Stole/Bolero of some sort for my Mom out of some yarn I had given her.
30th: Charity item (not sure which charity yet)
29th: Myself - tank top (have wanted to knit myself one for a couple years now!)
30th: Hubby's birthday - sweater
30th: Poppy - Winter Mittens
31st: For the house - Knit felted pumpkins - saw them on a blog last Halloween, and I really want a few for the house!
15th: Parent's House - table runner for the holiday table
25th: Dad's Gift - Helmet Liner - Perfect while snow-blowing - DONE May 16th
25th: Mom's Gift - Mittens
25th: Sister - Calorimetry - DONE March 15th
25th: Brother-in-law - Winter mittens
Thursday, May 15, 2008
First FO of the month!
I call these 'Happy Socks'. I just adore the bright happy colors. The are for me, and knit up super quick.
I'm making good progress on the socks for my dad. Since they are a surprise I need one of my guy friends to try it on and make sure the size is about right. No progress on 'my so called scarf' and I ripped the ribbed hat I was making. Instead of that, I cast on for another pair of dashing and have one of the pair done so far. I'm planning on casting on for tam B tonight. So I'm slowly making progress on my May goals, I've just scattered my efforts about.
Wednesday, May 14, 2008
Tuesday, May 13, 2008
Another one down!

Go Ravens! Socks enjoying a spell on the deck.
These are for my nephew-in-law, Pat, who is a big fan of the Baltimore Ravens football team. I had a little bit of a hard time finding yarn that was both purple and washable/dryable, but as has often been the case, Encore pulled through.
Details are here in Ravelry.
I am SO very glad I signed up for this!
Monday, May 12, 2008
Hurrah! An FO!
Dad's hiking socks which have been on the needles since.. *ahem* ... before Christmas are finished!

I'm so excited - can hardly wait to gift them to him :)
I'm very happy with how they've turned out, after languishing for so long neglected on the needles they were very quick to finish when I set my self to them!
(Haven't taken a photo of both socks yet! Was so excited to post about them I didn't want to wait!)
Sunday, May 11, 2008
HOLY Guacamole
- 2-3 more juliet scarves for gift stash
- witch mittens for sister (these look fun)
- a to be determined baby gift. baby socks?--or Otto the Owl? (update: geez that owl is cute. Will do the owl.)
- crocheted flower pots for mom--I've started one. I don't think I'm doing it right... what-eve- (update: am going for the bespoke pillow)
- socks or shawl for Carrie. Not sure yet.--update: going for socks, bought super yarn for this.
It's bright and beautiful here in London. I'm going to get into some outdoor knitting... must burn stash and make pressies! Happy Spring! xx
Bustin' the stash for gifts

My admin got a pair of hand knit Broadripple Socks for Admin Professionals Week at the end of April. No one else got handmade gifts-the other staff got Costco flowers... My admin does so much for me, I was happy to do something significant for her:-)

I said that I wasn't going to enter the Q2 challenge but I just realized that I'm starting a significant large project. A friend and I are going to do a Barn Raising Quilt for a friend who is pregnant after a difficult eight year journey with infertility. As I don't have a toddler, I think that I'll be the one doing more... which is fine... they are so fun to use up leftover sock yarn.

One in progress... the other one is already blocked.
For the rest of the month, fix up a tank I knit for mom and she needs more room in the armholes, finish up a sock and two more barn raising squares.
Mothers' Day Gift
She has been in need of regular platelet transfusions... so I had the idea of creating an EMERGENCY BAG OF PLATELETS as a novelty gift idea.
Here it is... She loved it... and it made her laugh and laugh and laugh!

Saturday, May 10, 2008
May FOs
Carie Lynn for my friend, L... she saw one I'd done and loves neutrals. I love the color combo - the brown is less-gray than in the picture but didn't have good lighting. And don't notice that I got myself off on the slip-stitch pattern and the bottom... just wasn't paying attention and didn't notice.

And then baby vest for baby boy due next week... this was a fun quick knit (worsted weight) done by modifying a pattern from DROPS.

Happy Saturday!!
Friday, May 9, 2008
May's gift to knit
The colours will be black, red and gold - the coulours of the national flag. So he can wear the socks while he's watching on tv the European Soccer Championship.
April's FO
Carrie's May List
Here's the full list:
- Felted yoga bag / MIL / Christmas
- Advent calendar socks for May
- Strawberry bag / niece #1 / Christmas
April FO picture

Thursday, May 8, 2008
May Update & More Prizes
We're nearing our halfway mark now for the year - are you still feeling motivated?
I hope so! I've seen some wonderful gifts being posted here, and we've got a loooong list of Challengers for gifting BIG this quarter. I know that as time goes on, it may get harder to keep pace with your goals, but you should feel proud of what you've done already! If you're like me, thinking about gifts ahead of time is a new commitment, and I'm so glad to have you to commiserate with :)
I want to keep us all excited about being part of this adventure. One way I've come up with to do that is to hold a random prize drawing just because!!
Some time in the next 2 weeks, I'm going to put all of your names into a numbered list and use the Random Number Generator to select one of you to receive some goodies!
Think of this as a Door Prize - you're entered just by being one of the GALs :)
Remember to keep tagging your Q2 Finishes with Q2FO and/or Q2ChallengeFO.
Happy gifting all!
Wednesday, May 7, 2008
Elizabeth's Q2 Challenge progress update
Please excuse this sad excuse for a photo. I took it with my cell phone and tried to fix it in Photoshop. Better than nothing right?

And in case you need a reminder, this is my plan for the colours:

~ Liz
Tuesday, May 6, 2008
April/May update
April List with photos of FOs I hadn't posted yet:
Celtic Tote/tbd/April 10 => DONE
Changed: Roses at Midnight Bag/SD/April 30=> DONE

Carrie Lynn Bag/tbd/April 30 => DONE
Carryover: Ballband bag/kelly/April 30 => DONE

Pebble Beach Socks/tbd/April 30 => DONE
(made with Socks That Rock in Pebble Beach colorway)

And now for my May list:
Carie LynnBag /Liz/May 15 (almost done with this one!)
Carie Lynn/me/May 15 (cast on)
Baby girl tbd/Romina/May 30
Jaywalker Socks/tbd/May 31
Baby boy/cousin/May 31
And I'm still working on the Voyager Stole for the Q2 Challenge. I also hope to make myself a sweater but won't consider it an entry since it's for me instead of a gift. But I want the challenge-motivation!
Phew! Better get goin' on this list!!
Mary B May List
Sorry I've been gone so long..everyone has done a great job on their items! You'll are gonna have lots of great gifts this year!! Which leads me to my May gift list:
Rollover- felted slippers-Crystal-by Christmas time
Rollover- Convertibles gloves- Grandson Tj- by fall
Rollover- Convertible gloves- granddaughter Kalee- by fall
am adding a couple of purse key chains -anytime gifts- no one special at moment
As for the Q2 Challenge there is no way I'd get my angel afghan done, no yarn for it yet. :(
I will shoot for a beautiful sweater from my new book- project I will be doing is called
" Ivory Shells Sweater" from Positively Crochet and it will be for Crystal for Christmas. If I get the chance I want to make one for my DIL Krista also. So I will be shooting for 2 of them!
Cardigan ready
This little cardigan was waiting for a little over a week, to have the buttons sewn on. Found time to do it this morning, and now Wietse is wearing it. He tried to bite the buttons off... it has proven to be yarn-eater proof.
Monday, May 5, 2008
April FO and May To-Dos

Quant headband -- April's only FO
For May:
- My first toe-up socks/my son/leftover from April -- I've got one sock done already.
- Chevron socks/for me/May 31.
- Working on my Qtr 2 challenge afghan.
- Working on my son's Norwegian-inspired pullover -- got some frogging to do, but I should make some headway this month.
Sara's May List
1. Keep working on 'My So Called Scarf'
2. Keep working on ribbed hat for Ken
3. Work on socks for me
4. Work on socks for Dad for Father's Day
5. Tam B, if time permits.
Michelle M's Q2 Challenge
Seems much more attainable than 3... hehehe (that's what I get for not READING the requirements before making my first post about the Q2!)
Michelle M
Michelle M's May List
So as a review:
1. Marshmallow Man for Mary
2. Finish at least ONE of the 3 afghans this month
Now I'd better get knitting!
Michelle M's April Update and Q2 challenge

I was unable to complete my only other April gift as the shawl demanded so much more of my time than I'd expected. Additionally I only got 1 of the anticipated 6 squares done for my Q2 afghan projects, but I did complete one and have another OTN now. I'm going to revisit that goal on how many I complete each week... I'll post that in another post once I photograph the one completed square.
Sunday, May 4, 2008
Friday, May 2, 2008
April FO and May List
Here is my may list:
Cell sleeve / hubby/ anniversary
Spoon rest/ me/ because I want one
that's it... I am taking it easy. I am going to do those two things and then focus on the Q2 challenge.
I'll send pics ASAP.
2nd Quarter Challeng Update

I have made progress on my cape, which is a bd present for my pal. Sorry no pics. My poncho is at a stand still. I seem to have lost interest!
I am going to start preparing for a holiday craft fair in Oct that my guild is participating in. I am really looking forward to that!
I will keep you posted!
Elizabeth's May Gift List
1. Gift Item: Handbag or Purse
Recipient: Chantelle (brother's fiancée)
Occasion: Christmas
Deadline: December 25, 2008
Other info: I don't have the yarn yet so it's not likely I'll start it this month.
Recipient: Rin
Occasion: Birthday
Deadline: June 7, 2008
Other info: I've purchased the yarn and chosen a pattern. Here's the yarn:
3. Gift Item: Q2 Challenge! Striped Chevron Afghan by Spinrite
Pattern: no longer available online (ravelry link)
Source: Designs for America by Solutia
Recipient: my parents
Occasion: Christmas
Deadline: December 25, 2008
Other info: I was actually having trouble trying to decide what to do for my fifth project for this month. Even if it doesn't get started, I at least wanted to have five things in mind. Well, the Q2 challenge has pretty much solved that dilemma! I picked up the yarn on the 19th (and my oh my was there a lot of it) and it's sitting there starting at me all intimidating like. I had help picking out the colours, now I just have to figure out how they're all going to fit together.
And here is my plan for the stripes. I haven't decided if I'm going to do it in strips and sew them together, or if I'm going to attempt it intarsia-style. The numbers at the top are referring to how many balls of yarn for each stripe section.

I finished the first strip! It's 6.5" wide and 72" long. Wow.

Also, I started the second strip which is being knit in two pieces, and sew together (mattress stitch) afterwards. Currently, 6.5" wide by 20" long. I'm hoping to finish this strip in the next couple days and start sewing things together! I think the progress of having at least part of it assembled will help motivate me to finish.

Thursday, May 1, 2008
Happy May Day
So here's how I did on my April goals:

1. I FINALLY finished the guitar strap that I have been working on for my son. This was my first crochet project in many years and I am thrilled that it is done. It was a bit too long for him, but I figured out a way to loop it up until he grows into it.
2. I did not finish the Sideways Spencer that I was making for myself, thought I did get the knitting on the body done. So this gets rolled over to May for me to do the finishing.

3. I made a good start on the Wallaby that I am knitting for my friend's baby. I am up to the sleeves This is my Q2 big project.

4. Finally, I finished the first sock of the fuzzy socks that I am making for my Mom's birthday.

So my May list is:
1. Finish Sideways Spencer - May 15
2. Finish Mom's Fuzzy Socks - May 30
3. Get Wallaby up to the hood - May 30
4. Pick pattern and yarn for A's going away socks and get started - May 30
Happy springtime knitting all!
Behind, as always!
For May:
Pillow Cover for Mom for Mother's Day.
Begin Clapotis for Mom for Christmas.
Finish Socks for MIL that I started in January.
Photos soon!
already may?
kd40 afghan... birthday gift for Karen... due asap... 3/4 complete
baby afghan... newborn gift for tess... due june... 3/4 complete
baby kimono... newborn gift for tess... due june... 1/3 complete
purple people eater... newborn gift for tess... due june... 1/3 complete
new items to work on for May... mothers' day gifts x 2... need to decide quickly :)
May Gift List
So this months gift list is the same as last month:
* Burgundy Cup Cozy (pattern in Interweave Holiday Knits) - for a friend - for Xmas 08 - finish by end of May
* His Facecloth (pattern here) - for Steve - for Xmas 08 - finish by end of May
* Prizoner of Askaban facecloth (pattern here) - for Alison - for Xmas - finish by end of May
* Flourish Book Mark (pattern here) - for Pat - for her birthday in November - finish by end of May
* 3 x sets of 3 Balsam Sachets (pattern in Handknit Holidays) - 1 set for Pat, 1 set for Diane and 1 set for Anne - for Xmas 08 - finish by end of May
Sally's May Gift List

Lots of stalling in April. I'm stuck in a couple of my projects.
April Wrap Up:
1. Gift Item: A lace shawl. This is my large project for the second quarter challenge.
Progress: Still no work since this pathetic swatch. I'm looking for the needles I want to use.
2. Gift Item: Finish Boogie Time (2 of them) (Rollover)
Progress: I'm still stuck. I still need a watch face that works for a boy.
3. Gift Item: Rainbow Socks (Rollover)
Progress: I haven't done any work on this since I lost the sock! (I'll find it eventually.)
4. Gift Item: Fetching (Rollover)
Progress: Finished
5. Gift Item: Mystery Crochet
Progress: I crocheted a red blood cell for my Mom's birthday. It's finished.
May Gift List:
1. Gift Item: A lace shawl. This month I want to settle on a yarn, pattern and needles, then knit a swatch, block it and cast it on. (Rollover - Again)
Recipient: Grandma
Occasion: Christmas
Deadline: June 2008, for the Second Quarter Challenge.
2. Gift Item: Finish Boogie Time (2 of them) (Rollover - Again)
Recipient: Family Friends
Occasion: last Christmas
Deadline: Overdue
3. Gift Item: finish my sister's socks (rollover - Again)
Recipient: Sister
Occasion: Birthday
Deadline: Overdue
4. Gift Item: Secret Knitting
Recipient: Friend
Occasion: Birthday
Deadline: Late May
5. Gift Item: Secret Knitting/Felting
Recipient: Top Secret!
Occasion: Birthday
Deadline: Late May